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Google to help build cyber protection for Australian infrastructure

SYDNEY, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Google (GOOGL.O) and Australia's national science agency are teaming up to create digital tools designed to automatically detect and address software vulnerabilities for operators of critical infrastructure, aiming to tackle the rise in cyberattacks.

These tools, intended for use by organizations such as hospitals, defense agencies, and energy providers, will be tailored to comply with Australia's regulatory standards.

"Software supply chain vulnerabilities are a global issue, and Australia is leading the way with legislative measures to address and mitigate these risks," stated Stefan Avgoustakis, head of security practice for Google Cloud in Australia and New Zealand.

In response to a series of breaches over the past two years that compromised the personal information of half of Australia's 26 million residents, the Australian government has introduced stricter requirements for critical infrastructure operators to report and prevent cyberattacks.

The collaboration will integrate Google's open-source vulnerability database and AI services with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's (CSIRO) research methodologies. This partnership is part of Google's five-year commitment announced in 2021 to invest A$1 billion ($675 million) in Australia, even as relations with the U.S. firm became strained over Australia's tougher tech regulations.

Google also provides cybersecurity services under a $9 billion contract with the U.S. Department of Defense, involving several major tech companies.

CSIRO's project lead, Ejaz Ahmed, emphasized that the locally developed cybersecurity software would be better suited to Australian regulations, enhancing compliance and trust. The project's results will be publicly available to ensure critical infrastructure operators have easy access to the necessary information.


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